Lino J. Celeste is the former president of NBTel and chairman of the board for Aliant Inc.  After completing an engineering degree, he began his career with the New Brunswick Telephone Company.  He is currently a member of the board of di…


Lino J. Celeste is the former president of NBTel and chairman of the board for Aliant Inc.  After completing an engineering degree, he began his career with the New Brunswick Telephone Company.  He is currently a member of the board of directors of Manulife Financial Corporation and of NB Power.  Lino Celeste is also well known for his many community endeavours.


Lino J. Celeste est un ancien président de la société NBTel et président du conseil d’allant Inc.  Il a débuté sa carrière avec le New Brunswick Telephone Company après avoir complété ses études en ingéniere.  Il est actuellement membre du conseil de Manulife Financial et d’Énergie NB.  Lino Celeste est renommé pour ses contributions á des projets communautaires.